Nuovi eBooks disponibili su Eureka

Sono disponibili, su Eureka, nuovi titoli dalla collezione Economics & Finance dell'editore Springer sui temi della sostenibilità, economia circolare e tanto altro.


1 Advances in Econometrics, Operational Research, Data Science and Actuarial Studies
2 Circular Economy Strategies and the UN Sustainable Development Goals
3 Contemporary Issues in Sustainable Finance: Financial products and financial institutions.
4 Creating Value and Improving Financial Performance: inclusive finance and the ESG premium
5 Cultural Heritage and Territorial Identity: synergies and development impact on European regions
6 Digital Transformation for Sustainability: ICT-supported environmental socio-economic development
7 Digitalization, Digital Transformation and Sustainability in the Global Economy: risk and opportunities
8 ESG Investment in the Global Economy
9 Interdisciplinary Approaches to Climate Change for Sustainable Growth
10 Investor Relations and ESG Reporting in a Regulatory Perspective: a practical guide for financial market participants
11 Regulation of Finance and Accounting: : 21st and 22nd Virtual Annual Conference on Finance and Accounting (ACFA2020-21), Prague, Czech Republic
12 Russia's Invasion of Ukraine. Economic Challenges, Embargo Issues and a New Global Economic Order
13 Solutions Manual for Econometrics
14 Sustainable Consumption and Production, Volume II: Circular economy and beyond
15 Sustainable Development of Modern Digital Economy: perspectives from Russian experiences
16 Sustainable Finance and ESG. Risk, Management, Regulations, and Implications for Financial Institutions
17 Sustainable Finance in Europe: corporate governance, financial stability and financial markets
18 Sustainable Investing: beating the market with ESG
19 The Circular Economy in the European Union: an interim review
20 The European Union and the Evolving Architectures of International Economic Agreements
21 The Palgrave Handbook of ESG and Corporate Governance
22 The Valuation of Digital Intangibles: technology, marketing, and the metaverse